Thursday, August 2, 2007

Stop Moaning - Sort It Out or Get Out!

Running your own business is hard work - period!

I am tired of hearing the moans of those who have taken the decision to start their own business and then discover that long hours and plain old hard work is required to make it profitable.

This post was precipitated by a conversation I overheard in an office yesterday. The gentleman concerned was on his cell-phone to a person who had cancelled an appointment and wanted to reschedule. This gentleman's words went something like this,

Do you know that I am self-employed? I can't just leave to come to a meeting. Do you know what time I worked to last night? Ten past one in the morning! Yes, that's what time I went to bed. And do you know I was up at five this morning. I haven't got time to be messed around - I'm self-employed you know.

Come on... Get a life! Business owners are not the only ones who work long hours. Self-management and better use of time is needed when you begin to live for work, not work to live.

When deciding to start your own business you need to be sure of the sacrifices required. The most successful start-ups are those that have been thoroughly thought through by the business owner.

So stop moaning - sort yourself out or get out!

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