Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The 7 Greatest Lies In Network Marketing (E-book)

Over the past year or so I have become a convert to network marketing. While understanding the role of traditional business models I am convinced that network marketing, done ethically and properly, is a tremendous vehicle for the ordinary man in the street to begin their own business and achieve success.

Don't misunderstand me - I am not saying this is a 'get-rich-quick' model nor am I saying that success does not come with very hard work. It is the power of leverage and residual income coupled with the low start-up cost that makes this a powerful model.

It is unfortunate that there have been many charlatans and scam artists who have misused network marketing to their own ends and who have used shady business practices to promote their own ends. Last month I posted "Network Marketing - Do I Smell A Rat?" which explained more about this and gave a list of the hidden values of this business model.

The network marketing companies themselves are also to blame at times. I have posted an e-book entitled "The 7 Greatest Lies In Network Marketing" for you to download and read in your own time. This e-book explains how so many people are fed misinformation about network marketing and then struggle to succeed. This breeds dissatisfaction with the model which continues to break down the excellent work so many are doing within the industry.

The top three lies are :

1) Everyone is your prospect!

2) This really isn't sales. We just share products with people.

3) Anyone can do this!

These lies and the remaining 4 continue to destroy the image of network marketing and lead to the dreams of financial security and an enhanced lifestyle lying scattered at the feet of many disillusioned people.

If you are involved in network marketing or wish to know more before you get involved, you really should read this book. It will give you a great heads-up so you know what to expect and can set yourself up for success.

Another recommended resource for planning your action steps is here - Strategic Planning Outline for Small Businesses

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