Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Where Did My Time Go?

Working at home provides many benefits but at the same time allows one to fall into the trap of time-mismanagement. It becomes very easy to say, "I'll do it later after I've watched TV or had coffee or read this chapter in my book." and so on.

We have all heard it said that time is our most valuable commodity. If this is so, how do we spend it? Are we being wise in our time allocations? Does our family see enough of us at home away from the home-office?

Take some time today to check your priorities. Our allocation of time is often a reflection of our priorities! Use this Time Tabulator to see visually what is happening with your time. If necessary keep a time diary for a week to see where your time is going.

The world will continue to rush around us. Why not be the calm place in the storm? Be strategic about how you allocate time to the demands of work, family and down-time for yourself. Invest in a daily planner and use it daily. Use time-management software or Post-It notes - whatever you need to make a system work, do it and stick to it. has this list of Top 10 Time Tamers - it makes for excellent reading :

1) Write down your long-term goals. Use the SMART formula; make them Specific, Measurable, Appropriate, Realistic and Time-bound.

2) Every day, divide your tasks into A, B and C priorities. Always start with a high priority "A" task, even if you can only accomplish a small part of it.

3) Block off time for activities that are important. Make an appointment with yourself, and don’t let anyone schedule anything for the time you’ve put aside.

4) Stop spending time on trivia. You don't need a new voice mail message every day. Don't spend hours preparing a high tech presentation when a good conversation will suffice. And stop fussing over routine administrative tasks. Delegate or automate them.

5) Have the courage to say no. Don't try to please others all the time. Create personal policies that make it easy to say no and stick to your plan.

6) Always start meetings on time. Don't punish those who show up on time and reward those who are late. Do something however minor, but get started.

7) Slow down. Productivity isn't about going fast. It's about doing the right things. Stop rushing around, driving too fast and getting upset at things you can't control. A couple of minutes gained aren't worth the added stress.

8) Avoid procrastination by completing unpleasant tasks first. The tough stuff usually turns out to be not so bad. Break complex tasks into easy pieces and give yourself a reward for getting something done.

9) Don't be a slave to technology. Communication devices are simply adding more and more ways to be out of touch with each other. Simplify your life and leave your phone at home. Plan for people to reach you some of the time, not all of the time.

10) Create time for balance in your life. Set aside time for family, fitness, social, educational and spiritual needs. Plan for balance the way you plan for work.

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