Monday, May 21, 2007

7 Habits of Highly Ineffective Communication

Jamie S. Walters, author of Big Vision, Small Business: 4 Keys to Success Without Growing Bigwrites in The CEO Refresher about the importance of excellent communications in business.

I have listed what he calls The Big Seven Mistakes in Communication here :

1) Contacting others only when you need something.

2) Not following up, or closing the loop.

3) Not returning telephone calls or email messages.

4) Foregoing basic courtesy.

5) Not listening.

6) Telling lies.

7) Spewing chronic negativity.

The entire post, along with explanations of the above may be found on The CEO Refresher site here.

1 comment:

Admin said...

Love it!
Here is another...
8) Talking about people behind their back, and then acting like you love them when you are around them.

Scott Bradley