Thursday, April 12, 2007

Ideas, ideas and more ideas

Imagine a website where creative / fun / original / profitable business ideas from all over the world were gathered together with contact details for entrepreneurs so that they could investigate taking the ideas to their own countries or contexts.

Imagine a website where a team of over 8000 spotters from all over the globe report their findings of new business ideas and have their findings reported on the site. Imagine that you could be part of that spotters network.

Enter SpringWise. Filled to overflowing with new and original business ideas, this site is well worth a visit. You can spend a few hours browsing the ideas database and there is the option of a newsletter subscription.

The genius of this site is the spotters network known as SpringSpotters which consists of individuals sending in new business ideas they have spotted. This is an awesome idea as it gives the site a truly international feel and the ideas are literally from all over the world.

Anyone can join as a spotter and be part of this network. Of course the next question is "What's In It For Me?"

This is how it works :

1) Sign up as a spotter

2) Be on the look-out for new / original business ideas in your country / town / neighbourhood

3) Submit the idea

4) You are paid 10 points per accepted idea (1 point = $1 USD)

5) For every idea featured on SpringWise or, you are paid an additional 15 points (a total of 25 points)

6) When your points tally is 50 points or more you qualify for a gift ranging from iPods to vouchers

7) You are also able to claim bragging rights to your friends about your business savvy when you name is published with the idea you submitted!

I encourage you to take a look and sign up!

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