Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Entrepreneur Magazine in South Africa

Currently in its 13th edition, the South African edition of Entrepreneur magazine is beginning to make its mark in the local market. Latest circulation figures show approximately 17 500 copies sold each month.

Each month's edition is filled with profiles, interesting articles for the new or established business owner and gives plenty of ideas and tips to those running their own businesses.

Andrew Honey, publisher, writes in this month's publisher's note (pg 8) that the maginze strives to be "the ultimate how-to guide for starting and improving a business". Each month's edition seems to bring the publication even closer to the fulfillment of that vision.

This month's edition features an article from Robert Kyosaki, a profile on Richard Branson, ideas on how to use email more effectively, news on new marketing legislation and using market research to create sustainable business strategy. Complementing this is an online portal filled with more interesting and helpful info - http://www.entrepreneur.za.com

I strongly suggest taking out a subscription and beginning a file filled with articles from this extremely well-written and helpful publication.

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