Tuesday, March 27, 2007

100 Ways To Be A Better Entrepreneur

Found this marvelous list on Entrepreneur.com :

100 Ways To Be A Better Entrepreneur

It is well-written and very comprehensive.

How to make this work for you :

1) Take 5 per day for 6 days (Mon - Sat) to think over and decide on how to action

2) At end of week (Sun), write down the top 5 action steps from your week's learnings - being to work on these that week.

3) Repeat until all 100 ideas have been read and sorted into action steps.

4) Decide which 10 actions steps are the most important.

5) Do each of these 10 steps every day for 1 month

These actions will be a start to taking your business to the next level of significance, competence and your bottom line will start to take care of itself.

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